Case Study

The Challenge:

After 30 years in the same profession our client was certified unfit for work. With psychological conditions and a complex presentation, and also being the main income earner, financial hardship was also a real possibility. There had been previous failed Return To Work attempts which led to poor self confidence, and the client had no vocational direction – so we set to work.

The Process:

First, we empowered the worker to focus upon her strengths, reframe her thinking toward future endeavours and find a solution-focused frame of reference. Through motivational interviewing we negotiated a pathway of practical actions including a work hardening program, vocational coaching, and education about labour market opportunities.

This improved her confidence to take steps towards re-entering paid employment. We supported her by guiding her towards a vocational direction that met her personal and professional needs.

The Outcome:

By utilising the Easec flexible approach, a supported plan was delivered which resulted in our client obtaining several job offers and ultimately achieving a successful return to paid employment in a role which allows her to work from home, utilise her professional skills and experience, and financially support her family. She now has skills in relapse prevention and has taken control of her future.

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