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    Referrer Details

    Insurer Details

    Recovery Specialist Details

    Service Provider Details

    Insured Details


    Policy Details

    Other Contact Details

    [group MedicalApprovalYes]
    [group OtherFreeText]
    [/group] [/group]

    Employer Details

    Referral Details

    [group ServiceOptionPre]
    [group CustomerDemonstratesImproveds]
    [group ExerciseProgramImproveds]
    [/group] [/group] [group CustomerDemonstratesPhysicals]
    [group ExerciseProgramPhysicals]
    [/group] [/group] [group CustomerDemonstratesOccupations]
    [group ExerciseProgramOccupations]
    [/group] [group ExerciseProgramPres]
    [/group] [/group] [group CustomerDemonstratesCapacitys]
    [group ExerciseProgramCapacitys]
    [/group] [/group] [/group] [group ServiceOptionJobs]
    [group CustomerJobFulls]
    [group ExerciseProgramJobFulls]
    [/group] [group ExerciseProgramJobPartials]
    [/group] [group ExerciseProgramJobAlternateFulls]
    [/group] [group ExerciseProgramJobAlternatePartials]
    [/group] [/group] [/group] [group ServiceOptionJobUnattacheds]
    [group CustomerUnattachedIdentifications]
    [group ExerciseUnattachedIdentifications]
    [/group] [/group] [group CustomerUnattachedSeeks]
    [group ExerciseUnattachedSeeks]
    [/group] [/group] [group CustomerUnattachedSupports]
    [group ExerciseUnattachedFulls]
    [/group] [group ExerciseUnattachedPartials]
    [/group] [/group] [/group] [group ServiceOptionSingles]
    [group ExerciseSingleInitials]
    [group ExerciseSingleInitialAssessments]
    [/group] [/group] [group ExerciseSingleWorkplaces]
    [group ExerciseSingleWorkplaceAssessments]
    [/group] [/group] [group ExerciseSingleErgonomics]
    [group ExerciseSingleErgonomicAssessments]
    [/group] [/group] [group ExerciseSingleVocationals]
    [group ExerciseSingleVocationalAssessments]
    [/group] [/group] [group ExerciseSingleTasks]
    [/group] [group ExerciseSingleTransferrables]
    [/group] [group ExerciseSingleViabilitys]
    [/group] [group ExerciseSingleFunctionals]
    [/group] [/group] [/group] [group ServiceOptionTPDs]
    [group ExerciseTPDs]
    [group ExerciseTPDEmployabilitys]
    [/group] [/group] [group ExerciseSkills]
    [group ExerciseSkillsEmployabilitys]
    [/group] [/group] [group ExerciseCompleteds]
    [group ExerciseCompletedsEmployabilitys]
    [/group] [/group] [group ExerciseADLs]
    [group ExerciseADLsEmployabilitys]
    [/group] [/group] [/group]

    Services Requested (Enter total hours approved in relevant boxes below)

    *(Travel funding not included)

    Initial Needs Assessment

    6 hours

    Medical case conference

    1 hour

    Workplace Assessment

    4.5 hours – standard report

    6 hours - If report is to include background information (symptoms, function, treatment, treater contact)

    Development of graded Return to Work Plan

    1 hour per new plan (not a revision)

    Vocational Assessment

    6 hours for base report

    8 hours - If report is to include an in depth labour market

    Vocational counselling

    5 hours

    Ergonomic Assessment

    3 hours

    Functional Capacity Evaluation

    5 hours

    Employability Assessment (TPD)

    10 hours for desk-based assessment

    12 hours for telehealth or in- person interview

    Transferable Skills Assessment (TPD)

    6 hours

    12 hours – including labour market research including labour market contacts

    Comparative Task Analysis

    6 hours

    7 hours – including Set up and interview (with customer or another business)

    ADL Assessment (TPD)

    7 hours for PADLs

    8 hours for Home duties

    Exercise Physiology Initial Assessment

    3.5 hours

    Travel Hours Approved

    Additional Funding (Hours) Approved



    *(Hourly rate calculated at $231.44 INC GST)

    Thank you for this referral, once you select submit you will receive an automatic notification that this referral has been received. A full copy of the referral will then be emailed back to you once it has been processed.